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ACIC’s Global Youth Leaders Tour Participant Returns from Honduras
July 21, 2015

The Global Youth Leaders Tour is an opportunity for four young Atlantic Canadians to visit and connect with an Atlantic NGO or institution and their partners working in the South, and see firsthand the impacts that are being made. This year, ISCA-AIDC was excited to have one of it youth volunteers participate in the 2015 tour. Drew Dalziel of Charlottetown, along with three other youth from the other atlantic provinces, travelled to Honduras from July 7 – 17, 2015.  While in Honduras, the four youth from the region  visited this years partner organization,  the Fall Brook’s centre, projects as well as meeting with youth in the communites where Fall Brook’s Centre is active.

Before Drew left for Honduras, she was asked what she thought would be the most exciting aspect of this Youth Leaders Tour. ” I am the most excited for meeting new people, learning and experiencing new things. And seeing the different projects that are taking place in Honduras”, said Drew. She added, “What I hope to accomplish in Honduras is help where need be, learn as much as possible to be able to come home and tell my community and what they can do to help.”

ISCA is looking forward to hearing more of Drew’s experiences in Honduras and would like to thank ACIC and FBC for facilitating this opportunity for Atlantic youth.


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