Happy New Year from the ISCA Team!

Progress amid political instability in Haiti Happy New Year! The ISCA team hopes this finds you well and you had a restful and relaxing holiday season. While Covid-19 continues to impact our development work in Haiti, we felt that it was a good time to update past and...

ISCA Mission Trip to Haiti 2022!

ISCA is excited to announce plans are now underway for an animal health mission trip to Haiti in May of 2022! ISCA will be collaborating with the Haitian American Friendship Foundation (HAFF), to deliver much-needed animal health care clinics. This is not ISCA’s first...

The Challenges and Successes of Our Work in Haiti

In May of 2015, Chalice, an international educational and charitable agency, commissioned International Sustainable Community Assistance to develop an implementation plan entitled: “Identifying Agri-Business Opportunities and Developing a Community Agriculture...